Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Life Is Not Fair

Let me start this with complete and transparent honesty: I am writing this from a place of pain.  There.  Now that that’s out of the way…Life Is Not Fair.
I said it.   I meant it.  Life isn’t fair.  That phrase is as old as the day is long.  Anyone who has existed on this planet for more than 2.2 seconds knows that life isn’t fair.  But maybe that’s a good thing.
I mean, we always complain about the unfairness of life.  But that assumes that if life WERE fair, we would all live in mansions, have millions of dollars in the bank, not have to work, have perfect health, and nothing bad or sad would ever happen.  But what if life being fair meant that we were all broke, jobless, sick, homeless, hungry, and that nothing good would ever happen?  I mean, that’s fair, too, right?  As long as everything is the same status for everyone all the time, it’s fair.
Maybe the fact that life isn’t fair gives us hope.  I could give you a million reasons on my bad days why life isn’t fair.  I could whine and complain and moan with the best of them.  But life isn’t fair, which means maybe tomorrow will be better.  Maybe my pain won’t be so pronounced.  The unfairness of life gives me hope that my circumstance has the possibility of changing.  Maybe the circumstance will never get better or be different.  But I have hope.  Not because I know the future.  Not because I can change it on my own.  But because the unfairness of life, by its very nature, gives hope that as things are is not how they will remain.
And so, while I don’t know what the future holds, be it tomorrow, next year, or a decade down the road, I will work and I will hope.  I will work to hold on to all that is good and beautiful.  I will work to show love and respect and nurture the relationships that surround and uphold me.  I will work to better myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  I will work to raise my son to be kind and compassionate, free and giving, loving and spirited.  And I will hope that all the places that are beyond my control, those things that feel low and sad and unfixable and unfair will give way to inexplicable joy.  And maybe they won’t.  But maybe they will.  And that is enough for today…