Saturday, December 29, 2012

Grateful reflections

Sitting here on a Saturday afternoon in Chicagoland, wrapped in a warm Christmasy blanket while the little one sleeps and the bigger one is at work makes me so grateful.

It's a little nippy, but I have shelter from the cold wind, blankets to wrap up in, and a thermostat I can tweak if need be. I have hot coffee and hot tea at my disposal.

My son is safe and snug in a nice bed in his own room. And he's worn out because we had reliable transportation and went to a mall to play. He is healthy and vital enough to want and need exercise and social interaction. He is becoming able to verbalize he wants and needs ("i wanna play, momma.")

My husband has gone to work. Yes, it's Saturday; yes, all three of us would rather he be home. But he's employed. No, he's not earning time and a half. But he earns enough that I can stay home with our boy and take care of them both. He works today because he's a good manager. His employees have to work and he's there to support them, to show that he's not asking them to do something he's not willing to do. It'll make the next three days he's off that much more wonderful.

To top it all off, it's my parents wedding anniversary. Thirty-nine years ago today, they embarked on the journey of a lifetime! Two kids, three grandkids, a couple of jobs, a retirement, and a million travelling miles later, they're more in love with one another than ever. They have both shown me so much of what a Godly life well lived can and should look like. They've been the embodiment of good employees, good parents, good spouses, good children, good siblings, good friends, and good people. The best thing they could do for my brother, me, our spouses, and our kids is to love one another well, without judgment, beyond conditions. And they do. I am so grateful for the parents God gave me. I will count my life blessed and successful if I can live half as beautifully as they have thus far. I expect the rest of their lives will be equally as inspiring.

I know my mother will read this. And I know she will shake her head, claiming to be "boring," "ordinary," or "unremarkable." But the truth is, she is beautiful, extraordinary, fascinating, and funny. She's a rockstar mom and grandmother. My dad is charming, outgoing, fun, and loving. And quite frankly, there's a whole bunch more adjectives I could use to describe them both. But I'd be remise if I didn't tack on one more that applies to them both. And I think is the epitome of how they live their lives, both privately with one another and to the world - generous. They're some of the most giving people I know. They would tell you that's one of the reasons they're as blessed as they are. But I think when you're as much of a blessing to a world full of individuals as they are, they're bound to get loved and blessed right back. But they never expect anything. They're just remarkable people who I am blessed to call mine.

I'm a very grateful woman. May tomorrow and the new year keep me so, whatever may come.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The In-Between Day

Yesterday was the anniversary of someone asking me to spend the rest of my life with him; to start a family and a new chapter in both of our lives; to commit to an unknown but potential wonderful journey together.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of a "happily ever after" getting cut short after a mere 10 1/2 years; of saying "see you later" to a man I dearly love and for whom I moved away from all I had ever previously known; with whom I embarked on several incredible journeys.

Today, well today is the in-between day.  It was very ordinary.  Quite truthfully, yesterday was ordinary.  And, while tomorrow will be flavored with a meld of emotions, both happy and sad and all involving some tears, it will be ordinary.  But today, this day in the middle of anniversaries of milestone moments, is just the 19th of December. 

I smile at my engagment ring and remember the proprosal during this time of year.  I recall waking up that night (several times) in the pitch black with my eyes still closed and holding my hand up to admire the ring that I could not see.  I remember calling my dad and brother, both of whom instantly asked if we'd set a date.  I remember the sweet, simple way he proposed during the VERY romantic move "3:10 to Yuma."  I remember the doubts and fears of his that dotted our every discussion in the days leading up to the proposal.

I wear the necklace of the wedding bands I had made after Nathan's passing more often during this time of year.  I smile at recalling our life together. I smile as I remember being a teenaged bride; at him giving me my family as a birthday present, all the big and little moments that comprised our marriage.  I cry at the thought of the last days.  I cry for the pain he felt; I cry for joy that he's free from that pain.  I cry at the loneliness I felt.  And I cry knowing how much he hated leaving me.  I cry from the unknown in those first moments, days, weeks, months.  I cry from the overwhelming love that was poured out on us both. 

And I look at the ring he bought me the day before he started to sleep. It's on my hand, along with the new engagement ring previously mentioned.  How two such amazing men could deem me worthy of their forever love is beyond me. But it's something I'll never take for granted.  And so, on this in-between day, I find myself blessed.  I have been loved unconditionally twice.  I have been promised forever twice.  I have had two men give me their hearts, their lives, and their names.  They are hearts I will never break or discard.  They are lives I am honored to walk through with them.  They are names I am proud to take as my own.  They are men I am privileged to love and serve and honor and cherish and respect. 

I hope I can be the woman they both saw in me.  I hope I live a life worthy of bearing their names.  Even on the ordinary, in-between days.