Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let me start by saying that I am so not a Biblical scholar. Rather, I'm a very curious girl. I always have been. Often times, that gets me into trouble. But when I get curious about God, I get answers.

I am suddenly struck by the fact that Jesus went toe-to-toe, literally face to face with the Prince of Darkness himself. And was tempted (Matt 4:1-11) in EVERY way (Heb 4:15.) I find it curious that the temptation with Satan in the wilderness event is recorded immediately after Jesus is baptized and God says (paraphrasing) "I love you, my boy. I'm so proud of you!" How many of us would hear that from our Daddy, then get 40 days worth of hungry, get ultimately tempted, and still make that Daddy proud?

I find it interesting that the Bible mentions he fasted for 40 days and nights. (In the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, they fast from sunup to sundown but can eat after the sun has set.) I don't believe God wastes words in the Bible. I find it quite important that it is mentioned "and nights." I can only imagine how hungry Christ was. And then to be tempted! I'm not saying every temptation mankind would ever face was presented to Jesus in this event with Satan. But maybe it was. The Bible specifically lists several. But were those the only things in which Satan tempted Christ?

I think of how many sins I've been tempted with in my 33 years. I have resisted some of them. But I've surrendered to many and I'm ashamed. Yet I realize that Jesus lived this exact same length of time and never faltered. He never told a little white lie to his mom or dad. He never cheated in school or was ugly to his siblings. (It's not just the Big 10 that he obeyed.) I mean, this guy did it all perfectly! He was tempted in every way that I am. He was tempted in every way that males are.

Yes, the world has changed. Yes, technology is different. But, as Ecclesiastes says, there is nothing new under the sun. I'm taking that to mean there are no new temptations either. Let's face it, there's some freaky stuff addressed, especially in the Old Testament, that most of us would never dream of doing. Stuff that gets an "ick!" reaction. I have to believe Jesus was tempted with all of that as well. And if the Prince of Darkness is as good at tempting as I know him to be, he didn't make it look "icky." He made it look appealing and enticing.

I take such comfort in knowing that Jesus was able to walk away from that temptation, even in a state of ravenous hunger. Now I'm not saying, "if He can do it, I can do it." But I am saying, "Oh my goodness, He gets it! He knows exactly what I'm going through. And if He got through it, He can get me through it too, if I'll let Him." What peace & comfort to know that He understands us even at our weakest, most vulnerable, tempted, icky states.

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