Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ah, Growth Spurts

My son is such a random knucklehead. When he decides to grow at a rapid rate (which is more often than I think it should be) he sleeps. A LOT. He eats less, which I totally don't get. He's generally still happy. But this kid zonks out way more.

Today, he woke up around 6:45 am (not too bad.) By 10 am, he was drifting off again. I tried to feed him or give him a cup of milk. All he wanted was his bed. Which is fine, unless he wakes up hungry in 20 minutes and then decides to not nap again for the rest of the day.

The funny thing is, I always forget that he tends to sleep more when he's growing. You would think with it happening every few months, I'd have this figured out by now. I don't. I forget every time. Then I finally get used to his additional sleep and he quits.

I'm not sure how in heaven's name some parents have their children on schedules. I mean, it's a great theory. I'm sure it would make life very organized and simple. My kid, however, likes to keep me on my toes. I can try to set up a schedule. And he has general routine that he abides by (i.e. wake up some time between 5 & 7, take a 1.5 - 4 hour nap some time during the day, eat a bunch of times, play a bunch, go to bed.) I'm glad he's flexible enough to adapt to different activities. But the complete randomness of today's early nap with no lunch is definitely throwing me for a loop.

Yep, a loop. As in a loop-di-loop. As in, my life as a mommy is an absolutely unpredictable roller coaster. Every day is different. Some are so low-key they border on boring (which is rare.) Some are busy. Some are fantastically full of laughter and smiles. Some I'm ready to string him up by his toenails (and he probably feels the same about me.) But all are unique. And I absolutely adore my life! I wouldn't trade my roller coaster for the most sane, predictable planned-out ride in the world.

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