Monday, May 14, 2012

No Sick Days for Mommies

I had an awesome Mother's Day with my two guys.  I was given the perfect card and didn't have to cook at all.  We kept it low-key but it was exactly what I wanted.

Then today, it was back to reality.  I woke up feeling like garbage.  Jackson was messing up the silverware drawer more than usual and dropped a heavy utensil on my foot.  We discovered my car was dead because the little knucklehead had been playing and inadvertently left the interior lights on all night.  And I felt lousy.

But moms don't get sick days.  There's no calling in because you're achy, stuffed up, tired, or other, more severe ailments.  There's no whining in mommyhood.  Instead, you suck it up, get over the moodiness that accompanies feeling like garbage, and give giant hugs to knuckleheads.  You make dinner, do laundry, wash dishes, play games, do flashcards, and chase the neighbor's dog.

Yes, mommyhood is a 24/7 job with no sick days.  But the perks are unbeatable.  And the gratitude?  Well, the card, the grins, the hugs, the laughter.  They say it all.  With a family like mine, not getting sick days is worth it!

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