Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Squirrely Squirrel

This kid cracks me up!  This morning, we are sitting in the den, enjoying our breakfasts and playing.  He decides to wander off, which isn't unusual.  I think he's going to do his standard walk to the end of the dining room, then come run at me full force.  After a minute of silence (which is seldom a good thing) I go check on him.  He's sitting quietly on the couch in the living room.  Not doing anything.  Just sitting.  I smile at him and tell him he's fine to be there.  No biggie, right?

I walk away, curious about what is going through his head.  A couple of minutes later, I hear him talking to himself.  So I go peek again.  Yeah, he's no longer sitting quietly.  He's removed the couch cushion and is jumping and walking around on the couch sans pillows.  I don't know why.  But he seems to think it's pretty darn fun.  And funny.  He's just cackling away as if he's as funny as...well, I don't know.  But a funny guy!

I walk away with a smile, only to be followed back into the den, greeted with a grin and open arms begging to be picked up and hugged!  He has his trying moments (like the fit he threw earlier this morning for no particular discernible reason.)  But everyone should have, or at least periodically borrow, one of these!  He's such an ego boost!  I mean, it's pretty hard to have an extended bad mood with this knucklehead around.  If he has one gift, one talent in life, he makes people feel loved.

I should definitely take some lessons from my squirrely squirrel.

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