Sunday, July 28, 2013

Making Memories

I am not crafty mom.  I am not creative mom.  I am not even "let him play with play-doh every time he asks" mom.  I am not structured without flexibility mom.  I probably let him watch more television than he should (although, in my defense, the kid loves "Andy and Barney.")  I am not perfect.  And I'll not claim to be.

But I have to admit, the days when the television is off longer, I enjoy more.  I'll put on music and we dance and act silly.  Or I'll turn it off entirely and go take my shower.  When I come out, he's using his imagination and creatively playing with his toys or singing and drumming on whatever he can find. 

Today, we acted silly together like super heroes.  (Jackson started it by draping a blanket on his shoulders and saying, "I super!")  So I grabbed my fuzzy pink bathrobe, Lino grabbed the throw from the back of the sofa, and we tied those, as well as Jackson's blanket, around all three of our necks.  (That way, our capes wouldn't fall as we "flew.")  We ran around with capes flowing behind us.  We proclaimed our super-ness.  Then after dinner, we played with a few puzzles.  (I'm always impressed at how much more our son knows than I realize.)  Then we read a few books.  And I'm always amazed that he has memorized some of the books and wants to take his turn "reading" to us.  Then we sang a few songs and just generally enjoyed being together as a family.

And it got me thinking.  I don't know at what age memories and moments become imprinted on children.  I don't know if he'll remember any of these things.  I don't know if he'll recall playing superheroes when he's a teenager or father or granddad.  I'm not sure if these moments matter in the grand scheme of his life.  But they sure matter in the grand scheme of mine.  And so, if these memories are made only for me, they are beautiful, worthwhile moments I know I'll carry with me the rest of my life.  These times make me so grateful for the child I have, the husband I have, the job I have, and the life I have.  I know the days I want to pull my hair out, these small memories will soothe me and remind me how very blessed I am. 

So I'll make memories.  Hopefully, I'll realize how much I enjoy these days and be more deliberate to make them wonderful more often.  I'll keep these memories.  I'll understand what the Bible said when it was written, "She treasured these things and pondered them in her heart."  I'll lock away these memories as treasures of the wonderous grace and mercy God gave me in this little family. 

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