Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Choosing God on this side of Eternity

I've thought a lot lately about one of the misconceptions about people who choose to believe in and love and trust in God.  I think a lot of people, believers, agnostics, and atheists, are under the impression that belief in the Almighty is simply a free pass from suffering in the afterlife.  How sad and misguided!  People fail to remember that life on this planet was meant to be permanent and perfect and lovely.  When WE chose to reject the perfection He offered us, another plan was set into motion.

But believing in Christ and accepting his offer of salvation and eternal life isn't the only gifts He gives.  Rather, the Giver of Life wants us to experience a full and satisfying life on THIS side of Eternity, as well as the other side.  Choosing Christ is not a promise to have no problems or trials or sufferings on Earth.  (Actually, He kind of said the exact opposite.)  But what we do have in the midst of those trials and sufferings is amazing.  And, in my opinion, something a relationship with a false deity or no belief in the Higher Power, can offer. 

What we have on Earth is Peace and Joy.  God gives us peace in the most horrific of circumstances, even when we don't understand it.  While we cry, He weeps with us.  He holds us in His arms.  But then He does something incredible.  He turns our mourning into JOY.  His timing for that transition is unique in every situation.  And we must let Him.  It is usually subtle.  It sneaks up on us.  But He puts a glimmer of a smile where we never thought we'd find one again.

He gives us Trust.  He allows us to trust Him and our fellow human beings.  I think we're a suspicious breed by nature because we know the sin and deceit of which we're capable.  But through Him, through the trust that He's gained by proving Himself faithful and true throughout the ages, we trust one another.  And we become people who can be trusted.

He pours out Blessings.  He desperately wants to spoil us with His love.  And He's so creative in how He does it!  Maybe our salary isn't as big as we think it out to be.  But maybe our money stretches further because He allows our car not to break down.  Or He provides a mechanic who cuts us a break.  Or milk and bread are on sale when payday's a week away.  Maybe He gives us blessings in the form of the lives He allows us to intersect.  Maybe He puts your new lifelong bestie in your path in the most obscure and unlikely of ways.

And most of all, He gives us Grace and Mercy.  For me, I cannot consider one of these attributes by itself.  Grace is getting what we don't deserve.  Mercy is not getting what we do deserve.  How humbling both of those thoughts are!  In a culture that preaches entitlement, it's an honor to know that our life is not steered by what we do or don't deserve.  Our lives are guided by His richness in Glory.  The Grace that I've received time and again is almost unfathomable.  And the Mercy.  Oh the Mercy.  So often I continue to pray, "Please don't give me what I deserve!"  And I have so much more than I could ask for or imagine.  And the best part of all?  His Mercies are new every morning.  His faithfulness never ceases, even on this side of Heaven. 

Don't get me wrong.  The idea of spending an Eternity with the Creator greatly excites me.  I believe in Heaven.  But I don't think I'm supposed to rush to get there.  God has given me so much here on Earth.  I want to treasure and cherish every person, every blessing, every possible moment while I'm allowed.  God is truly a God of Eternity.  He stretches from Age to Age, Beginning to End.  His love doesn't begin with our Death.  So why should we limit His blessings and riches of LIFE to solely the afterlife?

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