Monday, September 30, 2013

A Special Kind of Stupid

It amazes me how what feels like faith to one person looks like a special kind of stupid to another. 

Noah spent years building a "boat" before rain ever fell on the earth.  Why would anyone need a floating structure?  And where are all these animals coming from and why?  Faith or Dumb?

Abraham packed up his family and lit out for the supposed "promised land."  He didn't know where it was.  He didn't know how long it would take him to get there.  He didn't have a GPS.  He just had faith in a God who usually did not choose to reveal Himself in audible or visual form. Crazy or unwaivering faith?

Mary tried to explain to her boyfriend, with whom she'd remained pure, that she was pregnant but hadn't cheated.  And oh yeah, it's the Son of God, the Messiah written about for these past thousands of years.  Yet Joseph didn't want to humiliate her.  So he chose to trust God; he chose to believe an angel.  And he chose to raise this little boy as his own, to the best of his feeble earthly abilities?  Liars or faithful followers?

Peter saw many miracles performed at the hands of Jesus.  But to step out and attempt to walk on water in the middle of a storm in REALLY deep water?  Yes, he waivered when his humanity took hold.  But he STEPPED OUT OF THE BOAT!  Man of little faith?  Or man of crazy-brave-trusting faith?

When it comes my turn, am I willing to wander into the desert?  Am I willing to step out of the boat?  Am I willing to look bat-crap crazy to the world, much less my friends and family?  Am I willing to be a special kind of stupid for the sake of faith in a God unseen and unheard but most assuredly known?

I hope so.  I hope I look foolish to the world when I trust God's plan and path.  I hope I don't have a good, common-sense reason to give anyone when they ask why.  That way, when God's plan is revealed, when it is shown that His way was higher and good and holy and right, I can't take any credit.  I get to point to God and explain His perfect will that doesn't make a bit of sense to me.  I get to say that, while the decision or journey was far from easy, it was right and worth it!

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