Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wild at Heart

The title is a reference to an amazing book written by John Eldridge. But my little boy truly is wild at heart. In the most wonderful of ways. We went to a new park this morning to enjoy this sensational day. I know the calendar indicates it is Tuesday but, to quote Winnie-the-Pooh, it is WINDsday. There was a playground. Which he had absolutely no interest in. He wanted nothing more than to explore in the wind.

We ran through the picnic shelter, with giggles and smiles. We walked up a giant hill, hand in hand. He laughed every time the wind gusted and whipped his hair around. We found a tennis court, which he curiously walked into, just staring and taking it all in. We walked back out to the open fields where he found the greatest thing in the world to a little boy - a stick!

This just shows to me the innate boyness in him. Boys are wired by God to be boys. He started poking it through a chain link fence. Then he discovered he could make noise by whacking it on said fence. He dug around with the stick in the dead grass and dirt. He threw handfuls of grass. Always against the wind. Luckily his hair is still thin and fine, so the debris dusted off easily. After these moments of play, it suddenly occurred to him that sticks are not limited to being drumsticks and shovels. They can also be swords! Oh the sheer joy of waving it through the air with the wind whipping up a frenzy! I don't know that he's ever seen a sword. But he sure knew what to do with one!

He delighted in his stick for quite a while. The only thing that distracted him was a passing Westie, which he immediately wanted to pet. We got permission from the dog's owner, pet him for a moment, then the dog and master started walking away. Jackson desperately wanted to follow. My only way of convincing him otherwise was to turn him into the wind and begin a game of chase.

I am wholly convinced little boys were made for the outside. (I am also wholly convinced that little girls, daddies, and mommies are too! ) Such a simple thing but an absolutely delightful time. I know his dad is chomping at the bit to come home so he can also enjoy this beautiful day with our beautiful boy.

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