Friday, March 16, 2012

Why I'm Excited for St Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is a celebratory day for lots of different people and for a myriad of reasons. It is, indeed, a religious holiday. For others, it's an excuse to add food coloring to alcohol and partake to excess. For me this year, it means a date night with my fantastic husband and another dear couple.

I cannot tell you how much I look forward to date nights (be they just the two of us or a larger group.) One of the reasons is that I feel free to get all decked out. It's more than slapping on some lip balm and mascara. It's more than wearing a dress or a cute top. It's spending time making myself feel lovely. It's carrying myself in such a way that I ACT like I feel lovely. It's knowing that my confidence makes me even more attractive in my husband's eyes.

It's getting his undivided attention and getting to give him mine in return. It's knowing our son is in good hands and focusing on the relationship of us. Marriage is harder than what most people expect it to be. But that doesn't mean it cannot also be more wonderful than what we anticipate. Or that it is not worth the work and effort. Date nights are about connecting as spouses so we still know one another once the kids are gone. It's about making sure we don't "grow apart."

Date nights, whether fancy and romantic and expensive, or low-key and casual and fun, are about keeping the love, keeping the spark, and keeping the attraction alive. So while others may be getting drunk tomorrow (PLEASE make sure you have a designated driver) I will be celebrating the fabulousness of friendship and marriage.

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