Monday, March 19, 2012

Colors of Spring

I absolutely love the colors of early Spring. When the first leaves start popping out on the trees, they are so bright and vibrant. I'm not a big fan of yellow, but I adore the first daffodils and have found myself picking them and enjoying them in my kitchen this year. I love the blossoms on the flowering trees that seem to send my allergies through the stratosphere. I love the dark ground right after my husband's watered where he sprinkled new grass seeds. I smile at the dark gray-blue sky right before the heavens burst forth with spring showers.

I even enjoy (well, laugh about) the colors my son turns in early spring. He's his own personal rainbow this year. (Last year at this time, he wasn't walking.) This year, how ever, he's walking, running, and any other mode of transport he can conjure. It's early March. Technically, it's not even spring yet. The colors he has turned thus far are as follows:

The first and most obvious is brown. Brown for the mud created by hubby watering the grass. Brown for the dirt he loves to play in. Brown eyes peering out from beneath a Titans baseball cap. And, I shudder to think, possibly brown from neighborhood dogs' "presents" (but I pretend that doesn't happen.) He turns green from rubbing his tush against the prickly bush by the car. Green from running and falling in the grass. He sports shades of blue. His legs are speckled blue from bruises of falling often because everything is a full-speed ahead adventure for this boy! Blue from putting a (thankfully, nontoxic!) magic marker in his mouth. Blue from running into a corner of something... (Red from running into the corner of something prior to it turning blue. And my little boy turns back into a blonde when he's been freshly scrubbed down after showering with Dad or playing in a bubble bath given by Mom.

It just feels to me like the entire outside world and my goofy little boy have been freshly and vibrantly painted by The Master this time of year. I'm so blessed to get to experience these amazing colors.

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