My day in three words. It started off with a lovely time at breakfast with BOTH of my boys. Hubby worked the later shift today, so we went out for breakfast at the tres chic restaurant called Chick-fil-a. It really is a pleasant place to eat and we always enjoy it. The one thing that saddened me as we sat there eating was seeing a grown man and an adolescent (possibly father and son, but I won't presume) sitting across from one another, each on a technological gadget. Not talking to one another. Not making eye contact. Not even eating, at the moment. Made me so glad to know that, when we do make a point to sit down at a table as a family for a meal (whether home or in public) we have one another's attention. No phones, texting, or anything else at the table, with the exception of hubby's work. I fully intend for this habit to be perpetuated throughout our lives. I know our son's only two. But I want him to get into the early habit of knowing that when you're at the table, those people are your focus.
The bumps came today in two forms. The first was fist bumps. Just like Pops (his grandfather) taught him. The knucklehead was pretty good at giving high-fives. Now he has added fist bumping to his repertoire and insists on doing both. A lot. All day long. It's so fun and cute, though! The second kind of bump led into the last item. Bruises. He falls often, but more so when he's tired. He started falling a lot kind of early today. I didn't think too much of it. I figured he was just going too fast. But then he fell and actually bruised his cheek on the entertainment center. I've never bruised a cheek. But he has this lovely blue line that almost looks like a really cool scar on his poor little cheek. He actually reacted and fussed when he hit, so he had to have hit hard. But ten seconds later, he was back to bubbly.
The highlight of my night absolutely cracked me up and delighted my heart, though. We sat down in the dining room for dinner. (Which isn't an every night occurrence, but I'm trying to get better at that.) As soon as all three of us were down, my sweet son smiles widely and holds a hand out to each of his parents. To pray. He LOVES when we pray together. My prayer is that he'll eventually understand what it is we're doing, grow up continuing to love it, and continuing to do it. It was beyond precious. Such a sweet ending to a good day.
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