But as I await the start of one of my favorite holidays, I ponder the freedoms I enjoy. I am free to express myself. This blog, though not controversial, would still be forbidden in many nations, even in this day and age. Though I do not currently work outside the home, by choice, I would not have the option in some other countries. I can own property. I can have more than one child. I can choose with whom I fall in love. I am not ignored, mistreated, spat upon, or invisible because of my last name, skin color, place of birth, or religion. I do not have to hide my faith.
And all of these amazing gifts of freedom have been bought with centuries of blood. Even more incredible, the blood of my fellow countrymen has and continues to be spilled to buy similar freedoms for others across the world. But the blood that has given me the most freedom is that of Christ Jesus. In Him, I have ultimate freedom. I have freedom from fear. I have freedom from hate. I have freedom from sin. I have freedom from death itself. The freedom of peace and grace, love and mercy, all poured out in a crimson stream on a desert hill for my sake alone is beyond astounding. If I were the only louse in the world, He still would have bought my freedom with His own life.
I can live, love, hope, dream, and believe because of the freedoms given to me. My prayer this Independence Day is that Americans will appreciate and fight for the freedoms we have. My prayer is that we will lift up the oppressed in prayer for their freedoms. My prayer is that we will not stay silent. And my prayer is that, American or not, Christian or not, God will touch each of our hearts in a fresh and new and revealing way. Many people say (and rightly so) that freedom isn't free. That's true. Freedom always comes at a price for someone. Fortunately for us, the freedom of the Lord is free to us. He has already paid and truly gives it away for free.
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