Thursday, June 7, 2012

Why Won't He Sleep on MY Schedule?

I know I have no right to complain.  I have an awesome little guy.  He's generally well-behaved and pleasant.  He makes me laugh.  He sleeps through the night.  He's even starting to communicate better.  Last night, he even went so far as to tell us when he was tired and ready for bed.

However, he did not get the memo that Mom and Dad prefer to sleep past 6 am!  Yep, the knucklehead was up and ready to start his day at six o'clock in the stupid morning.  Which meant he ate "lunch" and was down for a nap before 10:30 am!  Unless he's growing and decides to take a very long nap, this could be a very long afternoon.  If he wakes up at or before noon, he's going to be such a grumpy gus by the time his father gets home!  

I'm hoping somehow he'll pull off a miracle and either sleep for three hours or stay happy and alert for seven post-nap hours before bedtime.  Both are kind of a stretch in expectation.  So this afternoon is a total crap shoot.

Any ideas how to get a two-year-old to tell time and know they're not allowed to cry or talk or call for Mom and Dad before a reasonable hour?  I'm sure my parents would tell me this is some sort of karmic debt I'm repaying for not sleeping late or napping well for them.  But it's not like I'm asking the kid to sleep until 9.  Just the occasional seven o'clock would be spectacular...  C'es la vie!

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