This tooth popped off at the end of January or beginning of February. I had it recemented. That's when I discovered the dentist I had been going to was out of my network. Fast forward about 4 or 5 weeks, it popped off again. I found an in-network dentist, who re-adhered it. Again. I then started the process of working with the dental office and insurance company to replace that veneer and it's neighbor with crowns. That appointment is twelve days from now. TWELVE days! So I call the dental office and am told, essentially, that no one is working this afternoon and they cannot see me until Tuesday. But maybe they can recommend another dental office. Sorry. Nope. I am not paying someone else to glue my tooth back on for twelve days when you've said you wouldn't charge me. And nope, I'm not walking around snaggle-toothed for the next four days.
I wasn't mean to the scheduler. And she was kind and understanding. She went above and beyond the call of duty to help me out! One of the techs met me at their office this afternoon and stuck that puppy back on! She had something she needed to do that afternoon, so my promptness was imperative. I got there on time. So help me, I have never seen any dental professional work that quickly! I walked into the office at 3:27. I was back in my car, with my tooth in my mouth instead of my pocket by 3:44!
When I got home, I found the two guys who hold my heart playing with a golf club in the front yard. The funniest thing was how much taller the club was than the little(r) one who was carrying it! Now, I tried taking up golf in the Spring of 2009. I enjoyed it when I tried it. Then I got pregnant and time slipped away. I haven't swung a club since July 2009. Seeing them with the clubs and the bright blue skies above, I proposed a family date to the driving range.
Getting tips and help from my husband was awesome. Watching my son enamored with the clubs and balls was terrific. Watching my man demonstrate his athletic prowess was incredible. And doing not too bad myself was darn fun. Just spending time outdoors playing as a family, encouraging one another, smiling, and having fun was...well, I'm running out of adjectives!
The day seemed like the Friday the 13th-ishness was going to win at first. But it didn't! You know how "Alexander" had a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day?" Well CHRISTY had a "lovely, wonderful, no sad, very good day!"
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