Monday, January 28, 2013

God, Christians, and Inspiration

Today, I feel compelled to write about something very dear to my heart - faith.  Specifically, faith in One True God, people who profess it, and people who judge it.  This is not a tear anyone down rant.  So don't necessarily quit reading for fear of that.  Rather, it's a challenge to us all, churched or unchurched...

I believe in a sovereign God.  That means - He Is It!  There's only one Him and He's the Him.  I do not subscribe to the "many paths to enlightenment and joy and peace and whatever-you-believe-for-you-is-fine-just-don't-impose-it-on-me" mentality.  I am a Christian and most people know that very shortly after meeting me.  I make no apologies about my faith. Ever.  And if someone asks me why I believe the way I do, I'm happy to discuss.  But I try really hard to let my life speak without having to beat anyone over the head to "prove" that I'm a Christian or try to convert them.  I'd rather they see the peace and joy I experience BECAUSE OF GOD (not because of me!) and ask questions. 

I don't think I've ever told anyone they were going to hell.  I don't feel that's my job.  God sees hearts.  I do not.  I may think "Oh, you poor, misguided soul."  But I hope my words are "I love Him enough that I will speak about the wonderful things God has done in my life.  I love you enough that I will pray for you and freely discuss anything you'd like without backing down.  I love you enough that I disagree with you; I love you enough that I cannot support your decision; I love you enough that I do not condone that behavior.  But I will always love YOU."  I've had very, ahem, lively discussions with people in the past.  I expect that I will have more intense conversations in the future.  And I'm okay with that.

But the ultimate truth is - God is God and I am not.  So I will not judge you.  Likewise, please don't judge me.  Do not assume that because my conversion was not a "road to Damascus" experience that my testimony is less valid or valuable.  I have never been drunk.  I have never done drugs.  I have loving, Godly parents and an amazing family.  That doesn't mean I haven't walked through valleys or am too blinded by mountaintop views to appreciate sorrow and heartache.  I do not believe you have to hit rock bottom before you can be saved.  I think God's arm is long enough to reach us in the lowest pit of despair.  But I think His desire is that His arms be used to wrap us up in bear hugs of delight, whether life has always or never been rosy.

I also think that whenever someone sets out to "inspire," they usually wind up setting themselves up for the fall.  Christ said that he will make high the humble and make low the proud.  I'm not saying you shouldn't live a life to the glory of God.  But let it be just that - for the glory of GOD, not the glory of you.  No one goes around looking for bad experiences to endure.  But sometimes difficult things befall us.  It is walking those trials in sincerity and meekness that inspires, not "ooh, I'm gonna look good on the other side of this!"  I think people are inspired by watching a person prevail where the onlookers fear they might fail.  It's that victory that's lived in sincerity that inspires.  It gives us that "if they can get through THAT, maybe I will be all right, too..." feeling.  and I believe that  we endure tragedy well only through the grace and mercy of God.  Thus, it's God that's inspiring.

I have been told numerous times over the past several years that I inspire or encourage others.  That blesses me so much.  But it humbles me.  Because I know I've done NOTHING to inspire or encourage.  I write what I think.  I seek God.  I make up life as I go, for I know no other way.  I am so thrilled that God uses me in a tiny, miniscule way to touch the heart of another.  But I know it's HIM.  Most people who I consider a personal inspiration would not consider themselves thusly.  Most people I admire would probably start talking in "why, um, but, and huhs?" if I told them how much I really think of them.  But that's probably why I do.  They're genuine.  They're not after the praises and accolades of men.  They're just honestly in love with God and it is reflected in all they do.

So, if you want to have a life full of peace that defies explanation, believe in God.  If you want to inspire someone, love, serve, and seek God.  If you want to judge someone, evaluate yourself.  And if you want a lively conversation (about God or anything else), let me know!  I promise I won't be mean...

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