For starters, big news in case you haven't heard. We are moving from Kansas City to Chicago. Not sure of an exact date for the little one and me, but hubby has to report to work pretty soon. Kiddo and I will move once the house sells.
My cousin is in Kansas City right now for the Plaza Art Fair. (Go see his stuff, he's amazing! Thomas Spake.) Anywho, we decided to go down to see his booth and have dinner as a family. As I sat there in the restaurant of our either second or third date, I looked at my husband, looked down at my own attire, and had a funny realization. We were both wearing the same shirts we wore on our first date, the first time we met face to face! And we were on the Plaza, where we had that first date. Only this time, we were with our sweet son. And it was probably the last time we'd be there, at least as residents of this kind city.
We had an amazing time together as a family. We walked around and enjoyed the beautiful art. Our son got to pet and play with lots of dogs. Then, we discovered the piece de music! Yep, as soon as the music started, our son wanted to bolt straight towards it. I took him over and he went right towards the stage. He was strumming his imaginary guitar, dancing, jumping, high fiving, and making general merriment for more than half an hour. He was so sleepy by the time we got home that he plopped straight down onto his bed. He refused to budge and kept saying "Night night," with a smile. So I changed his clothes while he laid there. Needless to say, he fell asleep rather quickly.
It was kind of nice to say good-bye to the city where we met in the place and even the clothes in which we met. I am going to miss the incredible friends I've made, though I plan to keep them in my life. But I'm looking forward to the new adventure that awaits our little family in the new city.
Sounds like a GREAT time. We're going to miss you, but I know you'll do great on your new adventure.